Streamline Your Process With This Sales Presentation Template

Courtney Lefferts

Product Marketing

Want to save time with your sales pitches without sacrificing effectiveness? You’ve come to the right place! When it comes to building relationships with your prospects, nothing beats an in-person meeting. But, as great as they are, they also can be super frustrating; it takes a ton of back-and-forth communication to get a meeting on the books, and sometimes it feels like there’s never really a “good” time for your potential customer.

All of this hassle might leave you feeling like meetings just simply aren’t worth it. If that’s the case, all hope for personal (and time-friendly) communication is not lost. All you need is a well-thought-out sales video to make a lasting connection. To help you do just that, we’ve put together a template to make building your video sales pitches easier.

The five-step formula

When we first made the case for creating sales presentation videos, we showed an example featuring one of our sales pros, Shannon:

What’s so great about this video? Well, a lot! But, to be more specific, Shannon’s video is friendly and concise and makes a straightforward pitch for our product. As a basis for her video, Shannon’s presentation is built on three influential factors, that go from more general to more direct. We liked this video so much that we decided to use this format, and expand it a bit, to create a simple five-step template you can use for your next video:

  1. Introduction: Offer a short and friendly greeting that jogs the viewer’s memory or helps them get to know you a bit better.
  2. Problem statement: Discuss a key problem or question the viewer might have that needs solving.
  3. Value statement: Describe exactly how your product will solve the key problem (and other, smaller problems too!).
  4. Social proof: Pull up evidence to support your value statement, such as social posts, testimonials, or just a list of happy customers.
  5. Summary and call to action: Reiterate your value statement and promise to follow up!

Following these steps will help you build a strong pitch. Now, let’s take a deeper look at each step, shall we?

1. The introduction

It sounds simple, but your introduction should be just that — an introduction. This is your big chance to pique your prospect’s interest and keep them around for the long haul. So, it’s important to get it just right. That’s why you don’t want to launch straight into your pitch without even a lil' context. It’s a good idea to remind your viewer who you are, why you’re reaching out, and why they might be interested in learning more.

But, being engaging isn’t the only factor that matters in your introduction. While you want to get your viewer’s attention, you don’t have a lot of time to do that. To keep your intro short and sweet, written out, it should be around two-to-five sentences and introduce:

  • Yourself
  • Your company
  • Your mission

And if you’ve already talked with this prospect, you want to cover what you last talked about to make it feel more conversational than a standard pitch. Let’s look at the example intro from Shannon’s video. In it, Shannon says:

“Hey! Shannon from Wistia here. Saw you reached out with a couple of questions about video hosting and wanted to see if you had a couple minutes to chat. Wanted to tell you a little bit about us. We’re Wistia (hey), and we’re the video software for business. Our mission is to make business more human.”

Notice the little bits of personality Shannon sprinkles into her introduction. She’s enthusiastic without being pushy, and her tone is warm yet full of authority. You can tell that Shannon really knows her stuff — making you curious to learn more.

2. The problem statement

When you craft your problem statement, you want to target a particular issue the customer has that your product solves. Now, this statement can be a little bit tricky if this is a cold outreach video. You might not be sure how you can anticipate their needs if you haven’t asked them about their problems yet. That said, if you’re really in-tune with your product and your market, you should be able to address some of the most common problems your customers face, right off the bat. Need a little bit more help crafting this statement? If you use personas to categorize your leads, those personas will come in handy here, too.

To craft your problem statement, let these questions be your guide:

  • If first-touch: What kinds of problems are common in their industry? What customer personas match their profile?
  • If not a first-touch: What has the prospect mentioned previously about why they’re considering your product?

You can then simply state the problem. Don’t forget to be specific, and present it in a way that leads naturally to your product saving the day. In this presentation from Databox, John brings out the problem statement early:

Here’s how he phrases the key problem his customers face:

“Right now, on average, you need to log into 12 different apps to track performance. Or worse — comb through spreadsheets and slides. This makes prioritization and, ultimately, doing great work that much more challenging.”

John’s problem statement creates a specific mental image to which his viewers can relate. He also addresses what happens if business leaders ignore their problem — adding urgency to the message. This kind of message raises the stakes for the viewer and leads right into the value statement.

3. The value statement

Speaking value statements, your value statement should really highlight how your product can save the day for your prospective customer. There are several different ways to write an effective value statement, but one thing is certain: You don’t want to just wing it.

You can use the XYZ model from Steve Blank to write your value statement. It goes like this: “We help X do Y by doing Z.”

The way you fill in X, Y, and Z will affect your whole presentation. The value statement is your opportunity to make your viewer feel great about your product and assure them that your company can solve their problems. To make them feel even more at ease, it helps to use action verbs and human-centric language. The XYZ model works especially well for video because it sounds natural and conversational. In the Databox example, John uses this value statement:

“Databox makes performance insights available to everyone, enabling you and your team to track all of your data in one place.”

Plus, when you tie your value statement to your problem statement, you spell out exactly how you’re going to help your viewer — and your product can become a hero in their eyes.

4. The social proof

Providing social proof gives your potential customer confidence about your product. Simply put: It’s evidence that your product is as valuable as you say it is — backing up your previous statements and adding value and insight from real humans using your product.

When it comes down to it, social proof can prove to be more powerful than any carefully crafted statement or explanation, which is why it’s so important to include it in your video. Looking for ways to make it interesting? Here are some ideas for adding visual social proof to your presentation video:

  • Short customer testimonials
  • Product reviews
  • Screenshots of social media posts from customers
  • Logos representing partnerships or integrations

Leadpages uses this visual aid to show all of the different integrations for their product, adding value and convenience for their users and proving they’re a valuable business partner to major brands:

Social proof strengthens your message with confirmation from outside sources. It convinces the viewer that you’re the real deal.

5. The summary and call to action

Last — but not least — at the end of your video, you want to drive the message home and direct the prospect toward conversion. At the end of your sales presentation video, be sure to:

  • Restate the value of your product
  • Provide an easy way to get in touch with you

When written out, your final one-to-three sentences should summarize all that’s been said — being sure to repeat a version of the value statement and give the viewer motivation to act now. Most importantly, you need to make next steps clear through some kind of call to action, whether that’s asking them to enter their email (using Turnstile in Wistia), adding a button, a calendar invite, or all of the above!

See how Shannon ends her video on a personal note:

“So, if you’d like to chat more about any of this stuff, feel free to add some time to my calendar at the end of this video. If you’d like to talk about video marketing, if you want to learn more about Wistia, or more about video, I’d love to chat. Have a great day!”

The video is then followed with a link to schedule time with Shannon. Pretty cool, huh? She’s wrapped up the video and made it easy for her audience to action right away.

Go forth and sell with video

Once you’ve filled in your presentation template with the perfect introduction, problem statement, value statement, social proof, and conclusion, it’s time to shoot your video. Luckily, that’s the easy part! With our built-in video recording feature, you can film yourself and your screen using just your webcam — creating professional-looking video sales presentations in no time at all. So go forth and sell with video!

Courtney Lefferts

Product Marketing

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